Lebara Customer Care Number

You can contact Lebara customer care number provided by Lebara support, by the following number listed below:

Phone Number:
Phone Number:

How to Contact Lebara Customer Care

The table below shows Lebara customer care number and all Lebara customer care channels:

Lebara Customer Care Channel Customer Care Channel Details
Customer Care Number (from Lebara number) 1755
Customer Care Number (from any KSA number) 057 600 1755
Customer Care Number (Internationally) +966 57 600 1755
Lebara Facebook from here
Lebara Instagram from here
Lebara X from here
Lebara WhatsApp from here

Read more: How to Check Lebara Balance | Lebara Internet Package Check | Lebara Card Recharge Code | How to Check Lebara Number | Lebara Office Near Me | How to Recharge Lebara

Questions & Answers

What is the international customer care number for Lebara?

What is the international customer care number for Lebara?

For international calls, you can reach Lebara customer care by dialing +966576001755 from outside Saudi Arabia.

Can I reach Lebara customer support through social media?

Can I reach Lebara customer support through social media?

Yes, Lebara offers customer support through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and WhatsApp for convenient communication.

What is the customer care number from a Lebara number?

What is the customer care number from a Lebara number?

The customer care number for Lebara users calling from a Lebara number is 1755 for assistance with any issues or inquiries.

How can I contact Lebara through WhatsApp?

How can I contact Lebara through WhatsApp?

Lebara provides WhatsApp customer support, offering an easy way to communicate and resolve issues via their official WhatsApp number.

Is there a specific number for Lebara in Saudi Arabia?

Is there a specific number for Lebara in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, the customer care number for any KSA number is 057 600 1755, available for local inquiries and support.