Check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online without Absher
You can check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online without Absher using Muqeem platform via the following link:
Steps to check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online without Absher
You can check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online without Absher using Muqeem platform by following these steps:
- Visit Muqeem platform “from here“.
- Log into the platform:
- Enter user name.
- Enter password.
- Click on login.
- Transition to visa services.
- Select the visa “exit/ Re – entry“.
- Enter the details.
Questions & Answers
How to check Exit Re Entry Visa Online?
You can check Exit Re Entry Visa Online through Muqeem Portal.
What is the visa tracking method?
You can track your visa via the electronic visa platform.
How can I check my muqeem visa?
You check through Absher Portal or through Muqeem Portal.
How can I print my muqeem visa?
You can print your muqeem visa through Muqeem Portal.
How do I check the duration of the exit and return visa?
You can check the duration of the exit and return visa through Muqeem Portal.
How to find out the expiration date of the exit and return visa?
You can find out the expiration date of the exit and return visa through Absher.
What is the way to inquire about the validity of the exit and return visa?
You can about the validity of the exit and return visa through Muqeem Portal.
What is the way to inquire about an exit and return visa without Absher
You can inquire about an exit and return visa without Absher through Muqeem Portal with a residence number.
What is the way to inquire about an exit and return visa with a residence number?
You can inquire about an exit and return visa with a residence number through Muqeem Portal.
What is the visa tracking method?
You can track your visa via the electronic visa platform.